A Useful VsCode Extensions for web development
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A Useful VsCode Extensions for web development

category:  VSCode, Web development

As a web developer, I do both frontend and backend. For me, it is very important to have the right code editor for speeding up my developing time.

In the past, I tried some PHP editors(Notepad++, ECLIPSE ide, NetBeans, Atom, Sublime Text, and Brackets) that are available in the market. I found out VSCode is the best one for me. VSCode loads faster when I have a lot of extensions working. I can limit which extensions I need for each project by using Workspace. Moreover, VSCode has a lot of useful extensions to choose from in the Marketplace.

VSCode extensions

Wrap up

The extensions are changed from time to time. You may use the free or paid version to match your need. If you don’t see any benefit to using VS Code, you can try PHPStrom which is another best choice for PHP project development.